Stay Alone Together
Video Installation
《Stay Alone Together》以“Stay Alone”与“Together”这一组对立词组为标题,通过语言的张力隐喻数字时代中个体与虚拟身份的共生关系。作品聚焦于个体在现实与虚拟之间的游离态,这种状态虽然破碎,但并不意味着不完整或不完美。每个人都是二重身,现实与虚拟的权重不断变化,塑造了一个不断调整的动态平衡。 在创作中,我选择床垫这一与身体日常接触最为密切的媒介,通过影像与声音的综合表达,营造出一种多维度的空间体验。影像与声音模拟了床垫上因身体压力而形成的凹陷,象征着两个“我”在同一空间中的共存与分离。这种表达不仅探索了虚拟与现实之间的微妙关系,也试图呈现当代个体存在状态中的哲学思考。 尽管创作灵感源于早期科幻叙事,这一作品的核心仍在于超前探讨数字孪生概念的文化内核,通过对日常物件的重新审视,引发关于身份、空间与自我定义的深层反思。 Stay Alone Together employs the oxymoronic pairing of “Stay Alone” and “Together” to evoke the tension inherent in language, serving as a metaphor for the symbiotic relationship between the individual and their digital persona in the contemporary era. The work focuses on the liminal state in which individuals oscillate between physical reality and virtual existence—a condition that, while fragmented, does not imply incompleteness or imperfection. Each person embodies a duality wherein the relative significance of the real and the virtual is in constant flux, forming a dynamic equilibrium. In its creation, I selected the mattress—a medium intimately associated with daily physical contact—and integrated visual imagery with sound to cultivate a multidimensional spatial experience. The interplay of image and sound mimics the indentations formed by bodily pressure on the mattress, symbolizing the simultaneous coexistence and separation of dual aspects of the self within one space. Although the creative impetus draws on early science fiction narratives, the work’s core lies in its forward-looking exploration of digital twin concepts, provoking deep reflections on identity, space, and self-definition through the re-examination of quotidian objects.